WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, May 8, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The Department of Defense has called out the National Defense Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ND-ISAC) and the related Defense Industrial Base Sector Coordinating Council (DIB SCC) as key industry partners for implementing DoD’s responsibilities under the National Security Memorandum on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (NSM 22). DoD thanked the ND-ISAC and DIB SCC as key partners in the NSM’s implementation and encouraged “...all DIB companies to join the ND-ISAC, the SCC, and DoD’s DIB Cybersecurity programs...” to receive assistance and support.
The White House released NSM 22 on April 30, 2024 with the DoD announcing its supporting approach on May 7, 2024. DoD identified a series of Secretary of Defense-level actions with Federal partners and the Defense Industrial Base; plus state, local, territorial levels of government to manage risk to the critical infrastructure that support DoD missions. DoD announcement:
Steve Shirley, ND-ISAC Executive Director said, “We’re gratified the DoD has acknowledged the ND-ISAC and DIB SCC as key partners in implementing NSM 22. This really recognizes and reinforces the long-standing collaboration with DoD.” He went on to say, “It’s our member companies who have really established the technical credibility, responsiveness and value of ND-ISAC as a key partner for DoD via their engagement in ND-ISAC and DIB SCC activities.” Shirley noted that while defense contractors comprise the core membership, ND-ISAC also has robust participation by companies with lines of business in other sectors but with interdependent interests with DoD and Defense contractors. Those sectors include Finance, Health, Information Technology/Communications, and Chemical; among other sectors.
Shirley emphasized that ND-ISAC member companies put competition aside to collaborate intimately on cybersecurity issues and allied areas of risk. ND-ISAC enables this via secure peer-to-peer sharing of actionable threat data among its member companies, by sustaining technical working groups for best practice solutions to common challenges, and by presenting knowledge exchange events.
About the National Defense ISAC:
The ND-ISAC is a nonprofit, non-federal entity established and funded by its member companies to enable threat information sharing and collaboration processes to defend their network infrastructures and address allied areas of risk while working to meet DoD cybersecurity requirements. The DIB SCC is a separately chartered no-cost entity for which ND-ISAC is its administrative and operational arm. The DIB SCC is chartered and operates under the authorities of the Department of Homeland Security. Find out how the ND-ISAC and its member companies can assist your company in meeting cybersecurity technical challenges, which addressing allied areas of risk – learn more at Info@NDISAC.org – or see our website at www.ndisac.org.
Matt Windt
National Defense ISAC
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