JAKARTA, DKI JAKARTA, INDONESIA, April 25, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Indonesia, in collaboration with the Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN), conducted an online meeting with hundreds of potential transportation investors from both domestic and international spheres for the New Capital, Nusantara. In anticipation of the 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum in 2024 in Jakarta, this session themed "Building an Integrated, Intelligent, and Sustainable Transport System of the New Capital of Nusantara" aimed to introduce the "Future City" concept focusing on the implementation of a dynamic and innovative Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in Nusantara.
Bambang Susantono, Chairman of the Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN), spoke on the significance of Nusantara’s development for Indonesia and the world, "The development of Nusantara is not just about transforming the Indonesian nation but also about inspiring the world to live better, more sustainably, and to be prepared for future global challenges." Bambang also provided a vision of Nusantara’s transportation system 20 years into the future, where transportation in Nusantara will be populated by autonomous vehicles, drone logistics, an integrated command center, electric vehicles, and even flying taxis.
Simultaneously, William P. Sabandar, President of ITS Indonesia, emphasized the importance of hosting this session as soon as possible. "This familiarization, a collaboration between ITS Indonesia and the New Capital City Authority, is a testament to our dedication to making the new capital a hub of modern, sustainable civilization." William also highlighted the importance of cross-sector collaboration between government, the private sector, and academia in creating holistic solutions for better urban mobility.
By involving leading experts and practitioners such as Silvia Halim (Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure, Nusantara Capital Authority), Agung Wicaksono (Deputy for Funding and Investment, Nusantara Capital Authority), Susan Harris (CEO of ITS Australia), Fred Kalt (President of ITS Singapore and Managing Director of Yunex Traffic Asia Pacific), and Silje Troseth (Vice President APA & General Manager Australia at Q-Free) as speakers at this session, it is hoped to be an important initial step in designing sustainable solutions for urban mobility in Nusantara.
An interesting moment was when the panelists responded to questions about the potential for Nusantara to become a "10-minute city," a concept widely discussed in the Indonesian community. The panelists expressed that a 10-minute city for Nusantara is very feasible through city planning and integration of various intelligent transport systems (ITS), where 80% of journeys would be facilitated by public transport, enabling all community destinations to be reached within 10 minutes and promoting a greener, more sustainable urban environment.
This session was held in preparation for the 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2024, scheduled from May 28 to 30, 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center. This platform is crucial for stakeholders in the transportation industry to share ideas, insights, and the latest innovations in addressing the increasingly complex challenges of urban mobility. With the theme "Transformation Towards Sustainable and Intelligent Urban Mobility," the forum underscores the urgency to develop innovative solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also sustainable for the future of societies in the Asia-Pacific region.
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