OncoMethylome Sciences (EBR:ONCOB) Liege (Belgium) - January 23, 2009, 18:00 PM CET- OncoMethylome Sciences (Euronext Brussels: ONCOB, Euronext Amsterdam: ONCOA) announces today that Mr. Gerard Vaillant will join its Board of Directors as a replacement to Dr. Christian Schneider, and that Mr. Gert-Jan Renardel de Lavalette has been hired as Chief Operating Officer.

Mr. Gerard Vaillant, will join the Board of Directors of OncoMethylome effective February 19, 2009. Mr. Vaillant has extensive experience in the health care and molecular diagnostics industry. He has served as Group Chairman of Johnson&Johnson (J&J) and Chairman of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc., Veridex Inc., and Therakos Inc. He has personally managed the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of numerous healthcare products throughout the world. He currently is a Board member of Luminex Corporation (US), Tecan AG (CH), IntegraGen SA (F), Vivacta Ltd. (UK), and Sensors for Medicine and Science, Inc. (US).

Dr. Christian Schneider, a leading venture capital investor in Europe has been a Board member or Board representative at OncoMethylome since its creation in 2003. He has resigned his position as a director at OncoMethylome in order to be able to devote more time to a new European life sciences venture capital fund and to earlier-stage healthcare companies.

Mr. Gert-Jan Renardel de Lavalette will become the COO of OncoMethylome Sciences starting on February 2, 2009. In this newly created management position at OncoMethylome, Mr. Renardel will focus on the development and commercialization of the numerous products of OncoMethylome. Mr. Renardel brings over 20 years of experience in the diagnostics and pharmaceutical industry from his previous management positions at Schering-Plough and Akzo Nobel.

Dr. Robert Timmins, Chairman of the Board of OncoMethylome Sciences stated the following, "We thank Dr. Schneider for his excellent insight and support in building OncoMethylome over the last 6 years. We also strongly welcome Mr. Vaillant as a new director and Mr. Renardel as COO of our company. With the increasing number of OncoMethylome's products reaching the market, Mr. Vaillant's and Mr. Renardels' extensive experience in managing and commercializing diagnostic products throughout the world for companies such as J&J and Organon will definitely be a tremendous advantage to OncoMethylome.

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About OncoMethylome Sciences OncoMethylome Sciences (Euronext Brussels: ONCOB; Euronext Amsterdam: ONCOA) is a molecular diagnostics company developing gene methylation tests to assist physicians in effectively detecting and treating cancer. Specifically, the company's tests are designed to help the physician (i) accurately detect cancer in early stages of cancer development, (ii) predict a patient's response to drug therapy, and (iii) predict the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

OncoMethylome boasts a broad product development pipeline consisting of ten products and a solid partnering record. The company collaborates with leading international molecular oncology research centers, such as The Johns Hopkins University, and has a number of commercial and collaborative partnerships with Veridex LLC (a Johnson & Johnson company), LabCorp, Schering-Plough Corp., GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Abbott, Millipore Corporation's BioScience Division, EXACT Sciences Corp., Merck KGaA, and Qiagen, OncoMethylome's products are based on methylation technology invented by Johns Hopkins University (USA).

Established in January 2003, OncoMethylome has offices in Liege and Leuven (Belgium), in Durham, NC (USA), and in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
For more information please contact: Philip Devine Tel. +32 479 505 885 ir@oncomethylome.com www.oncomethylome.com

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OncoMethylome Sciences


ISIN: BE0003844611

Stock Identifier: XBRU.ONCOA

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