Altona Mining Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Perth, 2008年10月15日, (ABN Newswire) - The Roseby Copper Project(以下简称“Roseby”或该“项目”)位于昆斯兰州,距Cloncurry西北偏北65公里。Universal Resources Limited(以下简称“Universal”或该“公司”)拥有该铜矿项目的全额股份。该铜矿项目亦为公司于Mount Isa Mines Limited(以下简称“Xstrata Copper”)的合资项目,即Sulphide Extension Exploration Project Joint Venture项目(以下简称“SEEP”项目)。与Xstrata Copper的合作协议之前已递交给澳洲证券交易所。根据协议条款,Xstrata Copper为SEEP 矿区唯一勘探资金融资方。

请收听与执行董事Peter Ingram的访谈:


Xstrata Copper告知公司已准备好使用六个钻石钻孔进行2,550米的后续钻探,用于进一步测试今年年初钻探的交切口(该项目已于2008年8月12日报告给澳洲证券交易所),并在钻探后进一步测试矿化程度。该项目定于2008年10月11日开始启动,预计将在年底完工。


硫化铜矿化较高的大面积地层与Xstrata Copper在地层深处相交,交叉点位于Roseby的Blackard自然矿下方。该交叉口是在最近进行Sulphide Extension Exploration Project (SEEP)收益要求时钻探的。本项目旨在测试Blackard及Legend地下深处的矿藏资源。

Hole BCD 850 -72 metres @ 0.90% copper from  26 metres -11 metres @ 1.11% copper from 112 metres -94 metres @ 0.93% copper from 130 metres Incl:13 metres @ 1.47% copper from 159 metres  and 10 metres @ 1.79% copper from 188 metres   and 7 metres @ 1.81% copper from 202 metresHole BCD 851 - 5 metres @ 2.40% copper from 268 metres -15 metres @ 0.71% copper from 285 metresHole BCD 852 -9.7 metres @ 1.87% copper from 132 metres -37  metres @ 0.79% copper from 147 metres Incl:14 metres @ 1.27% copper from 170 metres Incl: 5 metres @ 1.76% copper from 179 metres
注意:以上边界品位为0.3%至1.0%的交切口均位于现在的Blackard Resource以外。

Hole BCD 850钻孔在26至98米之间与主要含自然铜地层交切(72m @ 0.90% copper),第二个主要含铜地层位于130米至234米处之间(94m @ 0.93% copper)。该地层可能为第二大深部铜矿地层或主要的构造特征与原始沉积铜矿床叠合区。该项目应进一步探明该地层构造及矿床潜力。

BCD 847 -26 metres @ 0.53% copper from 244 metres Incl: 9 metres @ 0.76% copper from 261 metresBCD 848 -10 metres @ 0.35% copper from 262 metresBCD 849未找到矿化超过0.3%的铜矿。

本报告里涉及到的勘探数据结果为Universal Resources Limited公司 Mautice Hoyle及John Scott编纂。Maurice Hoyle为大洋洲采矿与冶金协会(Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)院士,John Scott为为大洋洲采矿与冶金协会(Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)会员。Maurice Hoyle与John Scott在成矿方式及矿藏种类方面有着丰富的经验,在该领域的成就使他们当选为2004年版 “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”的适当人选。Maurice Hoyle与John Scott同意在报告中引用的数据为实。

内容关于 Altona Mining Limited

Altona is a cashed up ASX listed company with a record of shareholder returns. It is focussed on the Cloncurry Copper Project in Queensland, Australia.

The Cloncurry Copper Project has resources containing some 1.65 million tonnes of copper and 0.43 million ounces of gold. The first development envisaged is the 7 million tonnes per annum Little Eva open pit copper-gold mine and concentrator. 


Peter Ingram
Universal Resources
电话: +61-8-9486-8400

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