Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited

Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited is principally engaged in design, manufacture and distribution of industrial equipment, as well as the provision of the related services. The Company primarily provides power equipment, power transmission and distribution equipment, electromechanical equipment, heavy machinery equipment, transportation equipment, machine tools, environmental systems, elevators, printing machines and packaging machines, among others. The Company's power equipment mainly includes power station boilers, power station steam turbines, turbine generators and gas turbines. The Company's power transmission and distribution equipment include transformers, mutual inductors, reactors, breakers, power automation products and industrial automation products. The heavy machinery equipment mainly includes heavy industrial equipment, nuclear island equipment, large marine crank throws and large casting and forging products.  

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2011년 12월 9일 아시아 현장보고서: Shanghai Electric Group (SHA:601727), Siemens (NYSE:SI)과 풍력발전장비 합작투자사 설립예정

🕔12/9/2011 1:00:00 PM 10097

2011년 12월 9일 아시아 현장보고서: Shanghai Electric Group (SHA:601727) (HKG:2727), 풍력발전장비의 개발, 제조, 판매를 위해 Siemens (NYSE:SI)과 함께 약 1억 6,500만 유로를 투자해 합작투자사 두 곳을 중국에서 설립하기로 하고 계약 체결// Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited (HKG:0392), 자회사인 Green Industry (칭하이성)가 중국 칭하이성에서 20메가와트 규모의 태양광 계통연계형 발전 프로젝트에서 계약 수주// Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. (TYO:8306), AMP Limited (ASX:AMP)와 전략적 사업 및 자본 제휴 체결 예정// Honda Motor (TYO:7267), 미국환경보건국이 오하이오주 Honda Motor 자동차 공장 두 곳에 2011년 에너지 스타(Energy Star)상 수여

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