Honghua Group Limited
HKG:0196 ISIN:KYG4584R1092
Honghua Group Limited (HKG:0196) is an investment holding company. The Company is engaged in research, design, manufacture, setting and sale of land rigs and related parts and components, design and manufacture the offshore drilling module. It also provides technical support services and drilling engineering services for clients. The Company operates in two segments: drilling rigs, which is engaged in the manufacture and sale of drilling rigs, and parts and components, which is engaged in the manufacture and sale of parts and components of drilling rigs. Its subsidiaries include Honghua Holdings, Honghua Company, Hongtian Company, Youxin Company, Honghua International Co., Ltd, Honghua America, LLC, Golden Coast Company, Sichuan Honglian Industrial Co. Ltd., Sichuan Hongcheng Business Trading Ltd., Newco (H.K.) Limited, Russia Honghua Co., Ltd, Honghua Offshore Oil and Gas Equipment (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd and Shanghai Honghua Offshore Oil and Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.

2011년 12월 6일 아시아 현장보고서: DunAn (SHE:002011), 최근 중국에서 개최된 2011년 중국 우수 상장기업 시상식에서 '최고 성장 잠재력상' 수상// Honghua Group Limited (HKG:0196), Gansu Huateng Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.와 합작투자사 설립 예정// Seven Bank, Ltd. (JSD:8410)는 2011년 12월 26일 월요일부로 도쿄증권거래소에 상장 예정
45,474 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 19) (지난 30일간: 62) (게재 이후: 6378)