Rakon Limited
Rakon Limited is a New Zealand-based company. The Company, together with its subsidiaries, is engaged in the development of frequency control solutions for a range of applications. The products manufactured by the Company include oven controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs), temperature compensated OCXOs, ultra stable temperature compensated crystal oscillators, high stability temperature compensated crystal oscillators, voltage controlled crystal oscillators, precision quartz crystals, specialty products and general purpose products. The wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company include Rakon (Mauritius) Limited, Rakon HK Limited, Rakon America LLC and Rakon Singapore (Pte) Limited. On June 30, 2008; the Company completed the acquisition of E-times Holdings Limited. On March 28, 2008, three French companies; Rakon France Holdings SAS, Rakon France SAS and Argenteuil SAS were merged into the parent entity Rakon France Holdings SAS, which was renamed Rakon France SAS.

2011년 3월31일 호주 시장보고서: Guildford Coal Limited (ASX:GUF), 몽골 발전탄 및 점결탄 프로젝트 인수 계약 체결// MetroCoal Limited (ASX:MTE), Bundi 석탄 프로젝트에서 예상보다 두꺼운 탄층 시추// Rakon Limited (NZE:RAK), 중국 신규 공장 7월 오픈 순조롭게 진행 중// Resource Generation Limited (ASX:RES), 남아프리카 Boikarabelo 탄광 용수 확보
125,474 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 18) (지난 30일간: 71) (게재 이후: 8689)