Thor Mining Plc


Thor Mining PlcThor Mining Plc (ASX:THR) (OTCMKTS:THORF) is a mineral exploration and development company with an advanced tungsten/molybdenum project poised for development and exciting precious and base metals exploration projects. The Board seeks to increase shareholder value by systematically exploring its resource portfolio. 

Thor's Directors are experienced in the mineral and finance sectors. They are practised in: evaluating mining assets; raising funds on international capital markets; evaluating acquisition and investment prospects and the day to day management of public companies.

Thor has a portfolio of properties in the Northern Territory of Australia, and in Western Australia.


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2011년 3월9일 호주 시장보고서: Hunnu Coal (ASX:HUN), Banpu PCL (BAK:BANPU)과 전략적 제휴

🕔3/9/2011 12:00:00 PM 12275

2011년 3월9일 호주 시장보고서: Hunnu Coal Limited (ASX:HUN), Banpu Public Company Limited (BAK:BANPU)와 전략적 협력관계 구축을 위한 전략적 주주 협약 및 MOU 체결// Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA), Nordic 금 프로젝트의 금 비축량 1백만 온스 초과// Eagle Eye Metals Limited (ASX:EYE), 아프리카 금 프로젝트 인수를 위해 MOU 체결// Thor Mining PLC (ASX:THR), 서호주 Dundas 금 프로젝트 첫 시추 프로그램 착수

전체 기사 읽기

138,478 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 27) (지난 30일간: 123) (게재 이후: 10737) 

회사 데이터

  • 6 The Parade
    Norwood SQ 5067
  • 전화
  • +61-8-7324-1935 
  • 주요 분야
  • 광업 
  • 홈페이지

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2025/03/31: Investor Presentation*
  • 2025/03/31: Maiden Natural Hydrogen and Helium Prospective Resource*
  • 2025/03/14: Half Year Accounts*
  • 2025/03/13: Conversion of PEL to Regulated Substance Exploration License*
  • 2025/03/04: Statement of CDIs on issue - THR*
  • 2025/02/21: Becoming a substantial holder*
  • 2025/02/21: Becoming a substantial holder*
  • 2025/02/21: Notice Under Section 708A*
  • 2025/02/21: Notification regarding unquoted securities - THR*
  • 2025/02/21: Application for quotation of securities - THR*
*refer to company website

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