Stellar Resources Ltd (ASX:SRZ) is a tin exploration and development company. Its flagship project, Heemskirk Tin, is the highest grade undeveloped tin deposit in Australia and has excellent potential for resource expansion. Located near the historic mining town of Zeehan in northwest Tasmania, Heemskirk benefits from ready access to transport infrastructure, power and water. Stellar's objective is to establish Heemskirk as Australia’s second largest tin producer.
Stellar Resources Limited
2011년 3월4일 호주 시장보고서: Winchester Resources Limited (ASX:WCR), 인도네시아 Belu 망간 프로젝트 사업규모 확대// CBio Limited (ASX:CBZ), 일본 특허청으로부터 '사페로닌 10을 이용한 면역억제 방법(Chaperonin 10 Immunosuppression)' 특허 확보// Stellar Resources Limited (ASX:SRZ), Heemskirk 주석 프로젝트 JORC 자원량 발표// NuPower Resources Limited (ASX:NUP), Westmoreland 프로젝트 지역내 Eva 임차지 자원 추정량 발표
100,291 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 12) (지난 30일간: 48) (게재 이후: 7828)