Syngas Limited


Syngas Limited (ASX: SYS) is an Oil and Gas Company working to achieve large scale syngas production and the subsequent production of significant quantities of Clean Premium Diesel from the Company’s 100% controlled substantial feedstock (558 Mt of JORC Compliant Coal Resources) in South Australia.

Syngas’s Project will employ commercially proven gasification and associated technologies to produce between 15,000 to 30,000 barrels per day of clean premium diesel, as well as between 60,000 and 120,000 tonnes per annum of native/pure sulphur, with a 250 MW power station located on site. 

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2010년 10월27일 호주 시장보고서: Syngas Limited (ASX:SYS), China National Electric Equipment Corporation과 Clinton CTL 프로젝트에 대한 MOU 체결

🕔10/27/2010 1:30:00 PM 12547

2010년 10월27일 호주 시장보고서: Syngas Limited (ASX:SYS), China National Electric Equipment Corporation과 Clinton CTL 프로젝트에 대한 MOU 체결// Kimberley Metals Limited (ASX:KBL), Sorby Hills 은/납 프로젝트(WA(서호주)주)에서의 고등급 은,납 시추 결과보고// Southern Cross Goldfields Limited (ASX:SXG), 철 프로젝트(WA주)의 지표면 가까이에서 적철광 및 자철 광물 시추// Palace Resources Limited (ASX:PXR), 높은 전망의 인도네시아 석탄 프로젝트 3곳에 대한 지분 75% 인수예정

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