Korab Resources Ltd (ASX:KOR) is an international mining and exploration company with operations in Australia and Europe. Korab's projects include Winchester magnesium carbonate deposit and Geolsec phosphate rock deposit at Batchelor in the Northern Territory of Australia as well as a gold and silver deposit at Bobrikovo in eastern Ukraine. The Company also explores for gold and copper at Ashburton Downs in Western Australia and for various metals and specialty minerals at Batchelor in the Northern Territory. Korab's shares are traded on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and on the Berlin Stock Exchange (Berliner Börse) through Equiduct electronic trading platform. More information about Korab's projects can be sourced from Korab's website at www.korab.com.au.
Korab Resources Limited
2011년 10월24일 아시아 현장보고서: Fairstar Resources Limited (ASX:FAS), 서호주 Steeple Hill 철 프로젝트 개발 자금 3억 달러(A$) 대출에 대한 조건부 승인 확보// Korab Resources Limited (ASX:KOR), 노던 테리토리주의 Batchelor 프로젝트에서 약 163m 규모의 황화광물 시추// Syndicated Metals Limited (ASX:SMD), 퀸즐랜드 북서부 Mount Remarkable 프로젝트내 Blue Star와 Green Zone 매장지의 초기 광물자원 추정치 발표// Emmerson Resources Limited (ASX:ERM), 노던테리토리주의 Gecko 및 Orlando 구리/금 매장지의 추정 및 예상 매장량을 구리 50,800톤과 금 70,000 온스로 발표
78,140 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 14) (지난 30일간: 59) (게재 이후: 7440)