Avanco Resources Limited (ASX:AVB) is a Brazilian focused exploration and development company. The company is targeting near term copper production from the high grade Antas Copper Mine (Stage 1), the exploration and development of the Pedra Branca (Stage 2) Copper Project, and exploring for new copper projects.
Antas and Pedra Branca are located in the world class Carajás Mineral Province in northern Brazil. The Carajás region is by virtue of the known mines and recent discoveries, regarded as one of the prospective mineral provinces in the world for the discovery of copper-gold and iron ore resources. It hosts numerous IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) deposits, including Sossego, Igarape-Bahai, and the World Class Salobo deposit.
Avanco Resources Board of Directors and Management team have extensive global resource industry experience, with the Company having offices in Perth, Australia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Parauapebas, Brazil.