M2 Group Ltd


 Established in 1999, M2 Telecommunications Group Limited (ASX:MTU) is Australia's largest network independent provider of fixed-line, mobile and data telecommunications services. M2 is head-quartered in Melbourne and employs approximately 160 people nationwide. M2 also provides fixed-line and 3G mobile services in New Zealand.

Within its "M2 Telecom" business division, M2 offers a suite of unique bundled telecommunications services and value added offerings targeted principally at the small enterprise market, distributed through an exclusive trans-Tasman network of sales dealerships, agencies and through targeted on-line marketing ventures (www.simplymobiles.com.au and www.greenmobiles.com.au). M2 Telecom also incorporates Southern Cross Telco, an established retail and small enterprise targeted telco, acquired by M2 in October 2007.

"M2 Wholesale" is the other core business division of M2, in which wholesale telecommunications services are supplied to small and medium sized telecommunications service providers and Internet Service Providers (ISP's). M2 Wholesale was launched in mid 2006 following M2's appointment by Optus as its exclusively endorsed aggregator/enabler of Optus mobile services. As a further boost to its wholesale operations, in May 2007 M2 completed the purchase of Australia's largest independent data wholesaling business, Wholesale Communications Group Pty Ltd (WCG), followed by the acquisition of Commander Communication's established wholesale network services company, Unitel Australia Pty Ltd in February 2008.

M2's consolidated revenues now exceed A$160 million (annualised), approximately evenly shared between M2 Telecom and M2 Wholesale. On the basis of the successful completion of M2's acquisition of People Telecom Limited (ASX:PEO) in mid April 2009, annualised group revenues are expected to surpass A$250 million.

M2 has a proven track-record of 

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2010년 7월20일 호주 시장보고서

🕔7/20/2010 1:30:16 PM 13315

호주 증시는 화요일 소폭 상승세로 출발했다. 미 증시는 투자자들이 저조한 주택경기 수치에 반응을 보이지 않은 채 기업 실적발표에 관심을 집중하면서 밤새 소폭 상승세를 기록했다.

전체 기사 읽기

68,921 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 15) (지난 30일간: 86) (게재 이후: 8965) 

회사 데이터

  • (03) 9524 7599 
  • 주요 분야
  • 소비자 
  • 주요 기업
  • Telecommunications 
  • 홈페이지
  • www.m2.com.au

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2025/01/07: Units on Issue Disclosure - Dec 2024*
  • 2024/09/05: Units on Issue Disclosure - August 2024*
  • 2024/07/24: Admission and Commencement of Trading - MTUM*
  • 2024/07/23: Product Disclosure Statement*
*refer to company website