Finbar Group Limited (ASX:FRI) is an Australian property development Company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Incorporated in 1984, Finbar first listed as a property development Company in 1995 and has established itself as the market leader in built form apartment development in the Perth metropolitan area.
Finbar's core business lies in the development of medium to high density residential apartments and commercial property within the state of Western Australia where it carries out its development projects in its own right or through incorporated special purpose entities and joint venture companies of which the Company either directly or indirectly holds interests in project profitability ranging between 50% and 100%.
Finbar International Limited
긴 주말 뒤 화요일 개장한 호주 증시는 보합세로 출발했다. 밤새 미 증시는 유럽의 긍정적인 경제지표에도 불구하고 소폭 하락세로 마감했다. 연준위 관료의 낙관적인 논평으로 분위기가 고조되는 듯 했으나 신용평가기관 무디스가 그리스 국가신용등급을 ‘정크(투기등급)’로 하향 조정한 뒤 투자심리가 타격을 입은 것이다.
74,287 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 32) (지난 30일간: 108) (게재 이후: 11119)