Ryanair Holdings plc


Ryanair Holdings plc is the holding company for Ryanair Limited (Ryanair). Ryanair operates a low-fares, scheduled passenger airline serving short-haul, point-to-point routes in Europe and Morocco from its bases at Dublin, London (Stansted and Luton), Glasgow (Prestwick), Brussels (Charleroi), Frankfurt (Hahn), Milan (Bergamo), Stockholm (Skvasta), Rome (Ciampino), Barcelona (Girona), Nottingham East Midlands, Liverpool, Shannon, Pisa, Cork, Marseille, Madrid, Bremen, Dusseldorf (Weeze), Bristol, Alicante, Belfast, Bournemouth, Birmingham, Kerry, Edinburgh, Reus, Alghero, Cagliari, Trapani, Bologna and Pescara airports, which together are referred to as Ryanair’s bases of operations or Ryanair’s bases. As of June 30, 2009, the Company offered over 1,200 scheduled short-haul flights per day serving 145 locations throughout Europe and Morocco, with an operating fleet of 196 aircraft flying approximately 845 routes. The Company also holds a 29.8% interest in Aer Lingus Group plc. 

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