China Resources Enterprise, Limited

China Resources Enterprise, Limited (CRE) is a property investment and investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is principally engaged in retail, beverage, food processing and distribution, textile and property investment businesses. The Company's retail division mainly comprises three business segments: supermarket and logistics; brand-fashion distribution in the Chinese Mainland, and other retail stores operation. As of December 2008, the Company operated a total of over 2,600 stores in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong, of which approximately 54.8% were self-operated and the rest were franchised stores. Major store formats are hypermarket, superstore, supermarket and convenience store, mainly operated under the brands of vanguard, CHINA RESOURCES SUGUO, SUGUO and Ole. In September 2008, Fresh Market, a new store format, was piloted. 

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12월18일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/18/2009 1:30:36 PM 18299

미 증시는 그리스 국가 신용등급이 한달 새 2번이나 하향 조정되었다는 소식과 시티그룹의 자본확충 소식으로 밤새 하락했다. 미 달러는 투자자들이 고 위험 자산을 축소함에 따라 반등했다. 주요 통화 바스켓 대비 미 달러의 실적을 측정하는 미국 달러 지수는 3개월 이상의 기간 중 최고치를 기록하며 상승했다.

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  • Financial Services 
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