Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited


 Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited is a leading gold production enterprise in the PRC. The Group is located in Zhaoyuan City in Shandong Province - the 'Gold City' of China, holding 10% of the country's total gold reserves and having the longest history of gold mining in the PRC. The Group is principally engaged in the exploration, mining, ore processing, smelting and sale of gold products, and is the largest gold smelting enterprise in the PRC. The principal products of the Group include standard Au9999 and Au9995 gold bullion. Zhaojin Mining operates five mines in Zhaoyuan City and owns a 75% equity interest in another operating mine. The Group also owns various gold mines throughout the Northern, Northwestern, and Southwestern parts of China. With its abundant gold resources, advanced technology and seasoned management, the Group has attained to a leading position in the industry. 

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2010년 7월26일 호주 시장보고서

🕔7/26/2010 1:30:04 PM 10943

미국 기업들의 실적 호전으로 미 증시 상승세가 이어짐에 따라 호주 증시도 오늘 아침 상승세로 출발했다. S&P/ASX200지수는 개장 벨이 울린 직후 0.95%가 상승하여 4,500 포인트 대에 진입했다. 주로 건강 및 소비재 부문이 상승세를 주도했다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2009년 12월16일

🕔12/16/2009 11:00:00 AM 17149

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는: Otto Energy Limited (ASX:OEL)(PINK:OTTEF), Sarissa Resources Inc., (PINK:SRSR), Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited (HKG:1818)(PINK:ZHAOF), Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY)(PINK:GALXF), Automotive Technology Group (ASX:ATJ), Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF)입니다.

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