Waterland Financial Holdings

Waterland Financial Holdings is a Taiwan-based company engaged in financial services. The Company operates its businesses through bill and bond business, including bills and bonds broking, underwriting, issuing, trading and endorsement, among others; securities business, including securities broking, underwriting and consulting services, as well as venture capital business, providing capital, operation, management and consulting services. The Company operates its businesses principally in Taiwan. 

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12월11일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/11/2009 1:30:17 PM 19348

지속적인 실업수당 청구건수 하락과 329억 달러(U$)로 낮아진 미국 무역수지 적자폭 등의 경제지표 속에서 미 증시는 목요일 상승세를 기록했다.

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