Hana Micron Inc.

Hana Micron Inc. is a Korea-based manufacturer specialized in the provision of semiconductor packages and universal serial bus (USB) flash drives. The Company provides three types of semiconductor packages: dual, quad and ball grid array (BGA) semiconductor packages. Its dual semiconductor packages include dual inline, shrink dual inline, heatsink dual inline, small outline integrated circuit (SOIC), thin small outline, shrink small outline and thin shrink small outline packages. Its quad semiconductor packages include quad flat, low profile quad flat and thin quad flat packages. Its BGA semiconductor packages include fine pitch ball gird array, land gird array and board on chip packages. The Company also offers USB flash drives (UFDs) and digital products, including USB flash drives, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) phones, bluetooth devices and micro UFDs and others. The Company's clients include Samsung Electronics and other semiconductor manufacturers. 

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🕔12/11/2009 1:30:17 PM 19348

지속적인 실업수당 청구건수 하락과 329억 달러(U$)로 낮아진 미국 무역수지 적자폭 등의 경제지표 속에서 미 증시는 목요일 상승세를 기록했다.

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회사 데이터

    주요 분야
  • 전자제품 
  • 주요 기업
  • Electronics & Equipment 
  • 홈페이지
  • www.hanamicron.co.kr