China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock

China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corporation Limited is primarily engaged in the research, development, manufacture, sale, maintenance and leasing of railway locomotives, passenger coaches, freight wagons, multiple units, rapid transit vehicles and related components. The Company is also involved in the business utilizing rolling stock related technologies. The Company's major products consist of locomotives, including electric locomotives and diesel locomotives; passenger coaches, including hard seat passenger coaches, hard sleeping passenger coaches, soft seat passenger coaches, soft sleeping passenger coaches, dining cars and double deck passenger coaches; freight wagons, including open wagons, flat wagons, box wagons, tank wagons and hopper wagons; as well as multiple units and rapid transit vehicles. The major clients of the Company are Ministry of Railway and Railway Bureaus, China. As of December 31, 2008, the Company had five major subsidiaries and associates. 

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12월11일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/11/2009 1:30:17 PM 19348

지속적인 실업수당 청구건수 하락과 329억 달러(U$)로 낮아진 미국 무역수지 적자폭 등의 경제지표 속에서 미 증시는 목요일 상승세를 기록했다.

전체 기사 읽기

50,695 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 36) (지난 30일간: 119) (게재 이후: 9720) 

회사 데이터

    주요 분야
  • 자동차 제조 
  • 주요 기업
  • Automotive 
  • 홈페이지