The Talbots, Inc.

NYSE:TLB ISIN:US8741611029

The Talbots, Inc. (Talbots) is a specialty retailer and direct marketer of women’s apparel, shoes, and accessories. The Company operates stores in the United States and Canada. In addition, its customers may shop online or via its catalogs. The Company's products are sold through its 587 stores, its circulation of approximately 55 million catalogs during the fiscal year ended January 31, 2009 (fiscal 2008) and online through its Website. AEON (U.S.A.), Inc. (AEON (U.S.A.)), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of AEON Co., Ltd. The Talbots offers a collection of classic sportswear, casual wear, dresses, coats, sweaters, accessories and shoes, consisting almost exclusively of Talbots own branded merchandise in misses, petites, woman and woman petite sizes. As of January 31, 2009, Talbots operates in two business segments: Retail Stores and Direct Marketing. In July 2009, the Company announced the sale of J. Jill brand business to Jill Acquisition LLC, an affiliate of Golden Gate Capi 

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12월9일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/9/2009 1:30:25 PM 27829

화요일 미 증시는 저조한 기업실적과 글로벌 신용시장에 대한 우려감이 새롭게 부상하면서 하락했다. 아시아 증시는 호주와 일본 증시가 급락세로 출발한 가운데, 대부분 하향세에서 시작했다.

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