Moko Social Media Limited
MOKO.mobi Limited (MOKO.mobi), formerly Loop Mobile Limited, is an Australia-based company. The Company is engaged in mobile content services. The principal activity of the Company is delivering mobile social networking services to global consumers within the youth and young adult demographic. MOKO.mobi is a platform that enables people to chat and share anywhere. MOKO.mobi is available on multiple wireless carrier portals, including Telstra, Optus, 3, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile Australia and United States, Maxis Malaysia, Reliance Mobile, Airtel and Idea Cellular India, Du UAE, and Globe & Smart Philippines.

증시불황에 대한 분석가들의 전망으로 은행주가 타격을 입으면서 미 증시는 밤새 소폭 하락했다. UBS 분석가들은 자본 시장의 비수기가 올해에는 좀 더 일찍 나타날 가능성이 있다고 전망하면서, 모건 스탠리, JP 모건 등에 대한 4분기 목표치를 낮췄다.
69,357 회사 소개
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