Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) is an integrated energy company focused on developing Canada's Athabasca oil sands. The Company has three operating segments: oil sands, natural gas, and refining and marketing. The Company also invests in renewable energy opportunities. Suncor is a partner in four wind power projects and operates an ethanol plant. The Company also explores for, acquires, develops, produces and markets crude oil and natural gas, transports and refines crude oil and markets petroleum and petrochemical products. The Company also markets third party petroleum products. Suncor also carries on energy trading activities focused principally on buying and selling futures contracts and other derivative instruments based on the commodities it produces. On August 1, 2009, Suncor completed its merger with Petro-Canada.
Suncor Energy Inc.
금요일 미 증시는 Dell의 저조한 실적이 증시 하향세를 이끌면서 사흘 연속 하락했다. 에너지 및 원자재 관련 주 역시 유럽중앙은행의 Jean-Claude Trichet 총재의 긴급 유동성 공급조치들 중 일부가 중단될 필요가 있다는 언급이 달러 강세를 촉발하면서 위축되었다.
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