RMA Energy Ltd.


RMA Energy Limited (RMA) is an Australia-based company engaged in the exploration of uranium, tin and coal. The Company holds three granted tenements in Queensland: EPM 15117 (Macaulay Creek), EPM 15127 (Coane Range) and EPC 1000 (Emerald). Its other exploration projects include Bulburrum (four coal tenements), Moonie (two coal tenements) and Cliffdale Creek (uranium). The Moonie Coal Project application covers an area of 1636 square kilometers. The Bulburrum Coal Project area is located about 120 kilometers south of Blackall, 120 kilometers north of Charleville and 75 kilometers south west of Tambo. The application covers an area of 2803 square kilometers. The Cliffdale Creek Uranium Project covers an area of 287.5 square kilometers. 

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9월4일 호주 시장보고서: 금 관련주 상승

🕔9/4/2009 1:00:14 PM 16771

밤새 미 증시는 연일 이어진 하락세를 접고 예상보다 좋은 소매판매 수치 발표 이후 소폭의 상승세로 마감했다. 8월의 판매수치 호재로 금요일 발표 예정인 미국 주요 고용지표들에 대한 불안감이 어느 정도 완화되었다.

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