Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd., formerly Melco PBL Entertainment (Macau) Limited, is a developer, owner and, through its subsidiary MPBL Gaming, operator of casino gaming and entertainment resort facilities focused on the Macau market. The Company, through its subsidiary MPBL Gaming is one of six companies licensed, through concessions or sub-concessions, to operate casinos in Macau. In December 2007, the Company announced that its shareholder, Consolidated Media Holdings Limited (PBL), has demerged its gaming and media businesses into two separate companies on December 12, 2007. On December 10, 2007, Crown Limited (Crown) completed its acquisition of PBL. Crown owns the gaming businesses, including the 37.9% direct interest in the Company previously held by PBL.
Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd
유럽의 경제지표 호조가 미국 판매실적 부진 영향을 상쇄하면서 미 증시는 등락을 반복하다 상승세로 마감했다. 월마트의 2분기 실적이 분석가들의 예상보다 높게 나타난 것 역시 주가 상승에 기여했다.
70,713 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 19) (지난 30일간: 63) (게재 이후: 7712)