Carbon Conscious Limited is an Australia-based company producing carbon credits through carbon farming, which involves the planting of Mallee Eucalypt trees in Western Australia's wheatbelt region. The Company is engaged in producing greenhouse gas emission offsets (Carbon Credits) through the process of Carbon Bio-Sequestration. Carbon Capture Program involves partnering with landholders, carbon emitters and businesses under a form of carbon share farming to deliver benefits for each stakeholder. These benefits include an offset of carbon emissions for business and significant environmental benefits to farmers and landholders through the reduction of the effects of salinity on their land.
Carbon Conscious Limited
어제 호주 증시는 미 증시 강세에 힘입어 상승세를 보였다. S&P/ASX200지수는 71.1포인트(1.8%) 상승한 3995.6를 기록했고, AO지수는 70.3포인트(1.8%)가 상승한 3987.8를 기록했다.
45,875 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 18) (지난 30일간: 53) (게재 이후: 7000)