Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.

SHE:000960 ISIN:CNE0000011D3

Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in the exploration, mining, dressing, smelting, refining and processing of tin and other non-ferrous metals. The Company offers more than 300 types of products under 20 series, such as tin ingots, tin-lead solders, lead ingots, tin chemicals, tin materials, copper, zinc, bismuth, indium and arsenic. The Company distributes its products within the domestic markets and to overseas markets. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company produced 94,458 metric tons of non-ferrous metals, 13,092 metric tons of tin chemicals and 18,573 metric tons of tin materials. 

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6월19일 호주 시장보고서: 낙관적 미국 경제지표에 고무된 시장

🕔6/19/2009 1:00:57 PM 16951

호주 증시는 투자자들이 계속적으로 광산주를 매각함에 따라 4일 연속 하락세를 보였다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 12포인트(0.3%) 하락한 3892.1를 기록했고 AO 지수는 16.8포인트(0.4%)가 하락한 3887.4를 기록했다.

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