Regent Pacific Group Ltd. is an investment holding company. The Company is engaged in exploration and mining of natural resources, and corporate investments. It has four business segments: Coal mining, which is engaged in exploration and mining of coal resources; Coking coal, which is engaged in production of coking coal; Metals mining, which is engaged in exploration and mining of metals resources, and Corporate investment, which is engaged in investment in corporate entities, both listed and unlisted. Its subsidiaries include Abagaqi Changjiang Mining Co., Ltd., Alphorn Management Limited, Amerinvest Coal Industry Holding Company (BVI) Limited, Amerinvest Coal Industry Holding Company Limited, Limited, GeoMin Tech Consultants Limited and Interman Holdings Limited.
Regent Pacific Group Ltd
HKG:0575 ISIN:KYG7478U1040
2011년 1월21일 호주 시장보고서: Prairie Downs Metals (ASX:PDZ), 고 등급 아연/납/은 광물 확인// BC Iron Limited (ASX:BCI), Regent Pacific Group Limited (HKG:0575)의 인수 제안 발표// Middle Island Resources Limited (ASX:MDI), 부르키나파소 Reo 프로젝트에서 800m 시굴 작업 완료// Archer Exploration Limited (ASX:AXE), 남호주 Wildhorse 대평원에서 지표중력조사 착수 예정
호주 증시는 투자자들이 계속적으로 광산주를 매각함에 따라 4일 연속 하락세를 보였다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 12포인트(0.3%) 하락한 3892.1를 기록했고 AO 지수는 16.8포인트(0.4%)가 하락한 3887.4를 기록했다.
153,488 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 41) (지난 30일간: 127) (게재 이후: 15537)