Apache Corporation is an independent energy company that explores for, develops and produces natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids. In North America, the Company's exploration and production interests are focused in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Coast, East Texas, the Permian Basin, the Anadarko Basin and the Western Sedimentary Basin of Canada. Outside of North America, the Company has exploration and production interests onshore Egypt, offshore Western Australia, offshore the United Kingdom in the North Sea (North Sea), and onshore Argentina.
Apache Corporation
어제 호주 증시는 금융주의 부진으로 소폭 하향세로 마감했다. S&P/ASX200은 10.7포인트(0.28%)가 하락한 3813.9를 기록했고 AO 지수는 4.2포인트(0.11%)가 하락한 3804.7를 기록했다.
51,360 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 15) (지난 30일간: 61) (게재 이후: 7356)