China COSCO Holdings Company Limited

SHA:601919 ISIN:CNE1000002J7

China COSCO Holdings Company Limited is principally engaged in shipping and the related businesses. The Company is primarily involved in container shipping business, dry bulk cargo shipping business, container terminal business, container leasing business and logistics, among others. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the dry bulk cargo shipping and the related business, as well as the container shipping and the related business, contributed approximately 53% and 44% of the Company’s total revenue, respectively. The Company mainly operates its businesses in the Americas, Europe, Asian and Pacific regions and China. As of December 31, 2007, the Company had six major subsidiaries. 

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12월15일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/15/2009 1:30:07 PM 15479

두바이의 100억 달러(U$) 규모의 자금 지원 소식과 엑손모빌(Exxon Mobil)이 310억 달러(U$) 규모의 주식으로 XTO 에너지를 인수하기로 합의했다는 소식으로 미 증시는 14개월 최고치로 마감했다.

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4월23일 아시아 시장동향

🕔4/23/2009 3:00:22 PM 16000

주요 아시아 증시는 목요일 혼조세로 출발했다. 한국 KOSPI와 홍콩 항생 지수는 오전에 상승세를 보인 반면 도쿄 증시는 호재와 악재가 겹친 가운데 하락세를 보였다.

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