Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd.

SHA:600597 ISIN:CNE000001C99

Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd is a China-based company engaged in processing, manufacture and sale of dairy products. The Company’s main products are fresh milk, including ordinary milk, functional milk and milk for children; ultra heat treated (UHT) milk, including ordinary milk, flavor milk and products for children; yogurt, including ordinary yogurt and fruit yogurt; milk powder, including products for infants, products for adults and industrial milk powder products; juice, including orange juice, carrot juice, apple juice, grape juice and vegetable juice, among others, as well as cheese products. The Company distributes its products in domestic market. 

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4월23일 아시아 시장동향

🕔4/23/2009 3:00:22 PM 16000

주요 아시아 증시는 목요일 혼조세로 출발했다. 한국 KOSPI와 홍콩 항생 지수는 오전에 상승세를 보인 반면 도쿄 증시는 호재와 악재가 겹친 가운데 하락세를 보였다.

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