Shimao Property Holdings Limited

Shimao Property Holdings Limited is an investment holding company. Through its subsidiaries, it is principally engaged in property development, investment and hotel operation. Its major subsidiaries include Shanghai Shimao Real Estate Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shimao International Plaza Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shimao Manor Real Estate Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shimao North Bund Co., Ltd., Beijing Shimao Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Harbin Shimao Riviera New City Development and Construction Co., Ltd., Changshu Shimao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Kunshan Shimao Butterfly Bay Development and Construction Co., Ltd., Wuhan Shimao Splendid River Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Kunshan Shimao Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Jiaxing Shimao New City Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., which are engaged in property development, and Shanghai Shimao Jianse Co., Ltd., which is engaged in investment holding. 

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3월 23일 아시아 시장동향

🕔3/23/2009 3:00:46 PM 19024

월요일 아시아 증시는 재정적 어려움을 겪고 있는 금융 기업을 대상으로 한 미정부의 부실자산 청산 계획에 대한 기대감으로 상승세로 출발했다. 아시아의 주요 증시는 강한 상승세로 출발하면서 장 초반에 1% 이상의 상승을 보였다.

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