Kerry Properties Limited

Kerry Properties Limited is an investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in property development, investment and management in Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China and the Asia Pacific region; logistics, freight and warehouse ownership and operations; infrastructure-related investments in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China, and hotel ownership and operations in the People's Republic of China. The Company's three major lines of business include Property, Logistics and Warehousing, and Infrastructure. 

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3월 19일 아시아 시장동향

🕔3/19/2009 3:00:12 PM 18416

대부분의 아시장 증시는 밤사이 미 증시의 호재로 상승세로 출발했다. 일본 니케이평균지수와 한국 코스피는 상승세로 출발하였으나 곧 하락세로 꺾이면서 제자리로 돌아갔다. 도쿄 증시는 엔화 강세로 수출이 타격을 입으면서 8,000선대 아래로 떨어졌다.

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