F&C Asset Management plc (F&C) is a United Kingdom-based company principally engaged in the business of asset management. F&C is an active international investor but with a client focus on the United Kingdom and Continental Europe. Its clients comprise a range of insurance, institutional and retail investors, across multiple jurisdictions, for whom it manages a diverse range of investments, including equities, fixed income and property. As of December 31, 2007, the Company had £103.6 billion of assets under management. As of December 31, 2007, F&C's assets under management by asset class included fixed-interest, equities, property, other alternative investments and money market.
F&C Asset Management plc
LON:FCAM ISIN:GB0004658141
예상보다 긍정적인 미국의 주택경기에 탄력을 받은 미 증시의 랠리 이 후 아시아 증시는 전반적인 상승세로 출발했다. 일본 니케이평균주가지수는 장 초반에 심리적 기준선인 8,000대를 넘어 상승했다.
31,086 회사 소개
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