Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in the provision of banking and related financial services. Its Retail Banking operations mainly comprises credit card merchant acquiring, provision of credit card advances, insurance and unit trust wealth management services, deposit account services, residential mortgage and other consumer lending activities. Wholesale Banking activities comprise the small and medium enterprise businesses and the corporate banking business. Financial Markets mainly provide securities brokerage, foreign exchange services and centralised cash management for deposit taking and lending, management of trading securities, execution of management's investment strategies in money market investment instruments and the overall funding of the Company. Real Estate is responsible for the management and orderly realisation of the Company’s repossessed properties and properties acquired under lending agreements. 

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3월11일 아시아 시장보고서

🕔3/11/2009 3:31:08 PM 13639

지난밤 미 증시가 폭등세를 보임에 따라 수요일 아침 도쿄와 홍콩 증시는 모두 4% 반등했다. 2009년 첫 두 달간 흑자를 달성했다는 씨티그룹(Citigroup)의 발표가 있은 후 대만 증시는 금융주 중심으로 2.04% 상승하며 2달간 최고기록을 세웠다.

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