China Yuchai International Limited

China Yuchai International Limited owns a controlling interest in Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company Limited (Yuchai). Yuchai is a diesel engine manufacturer in China, and also produces diesel power generators and diesel engine parts. Yuchai produces light, medium and heavy-duty diesel engines, industrial diesel engines, diesel powered generators (Genset) and diesel parts. Through its 76.4% interest in Yuchai, the Company is engaged in manufacturing and sale of diesel engines, which are mainly distributed in the People’s Republic of China market. As of December 31, 2008, it had a 45.39% equity interest in HL Global Enterprises Limited (HLGE). HLGE is engaged in hospitality and property development activities. As of December 31, 2008, it had a 34.42% equity interest in Thakral Corporation Ltd (TCL). TCL primarily conducts distribution of consumer electronic products. TCL also has other business activities relating to contract manufacturing, property development and investment. 

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3월11일 아시아 시장보고서

🕔3/11/2009 3:31:08 PM 13686

지난밤 미 증시가 폭등세를 보임에 따라 수요일 아침 도쿄와 홍콩 증시는 모두 4% 반등했다. 2009년 첫 두 달간 흑자를 달성했다는 씨티그룹(Citigroup)의 발표가 있은 후 대만 증시는 금융주 중심으로 2.04% 상승하며 2달간 최고기록을 세웠다.

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