Shikoku Electric Power Company, Inc.

Shikoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated is a Japan-based company engaged in the supply of electricity. The Company operates in two business segments. The Electricity segment sells electricity. The Others segment is involved the provision of information system, fiber to the home (FTTH) and cable television broadcasting services; the manufacture and sale of power supply electrical and electronic equipment; the investigation, design and construction of electrical, mechanical, civil engineering and construction-related works; the leasing of buildings, the sale of electric power equipment, the provision of heat, welfare and other services, the storage and vaporization of liquid natural gas (LNG), the transportation of supplies, as well as the investigation, research and development of electric power usage and supply-related technologies and bio- and new material-related technologies. 

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3월2일 아시아 시장동향

🕔3/2/2009 3:00:10 PM 20026

금요일 아시아증시는 높은 변동성으로 혼조세로 마감했다. 일본 니케이225 평균지수는 1.5% 상승하였고, 한국의 코스피는 0.8% 상승하였다. 중국 상해지수와 홍콩의 항생지수는 각각 1.8%, 0.7% 하락하였다.
도쿄 증시는미 정부가 시티그룹의 지분의 상당부분을 인수할 것이라는 소식으로 월요일 3%이상 하락세를 보였다. 한국 증시는 깊어지는 경기침체와 원화약세의 압박으로 인해 약세로 출발하였다

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    주요 분야
  • 에너지 
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  • Energy 
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