Panoramic Resources Limited


 Panoramic Resources Limited, formerly Sally Malay Mining Limited, is engaged in the exploration, evaluation, development and production of mineral deposits. The Company has two underground mines, the Savannah Project (100% owned) in the Kimberley, and Lanfranchi Mine (75% owned and operator) 42 kilometers south of Kambalda. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 (fiscal 2008), the Company produced 15,000 tons of nickel. The Lanfranchi nickel mine produced 286,116 tons of ore grading 2.55% nickel containing 7,304 tons of nickel. The nickel ore is sold to Nickel West under a long term ore tolling and concentrate purchase agreement and is treated at Nickel West’s Kambalda nickel concentrator located 42 kilometers north of the Lanfranchi mine. In fiscal 2008, the Savannah project produced 7,579 tons of nickel in concentrate together with 4,072 tons of copper and 409 tons of cobalt. On July 14, 2008, it purchased Liontown Resources Limited’s interest in the Cowan Nickel Project. 

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3월2일 호주 시장보고서: 실적보고시즌 후, 시장관심은 다시 경제수치 및 이자율로

🕔3/2/2009 1:00:18 PM 16166

호주 증시는 장 초반 상승세가 꺾인 후 하락한 뒤 거의 변화를 보이지 않은 채 마감했다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 1포인트(0.03%)가 하락하여 3344.5를 기록하였고, AO 지수는 0.5포인트(0.02%)의 하락으로 3296.9를 기록하였다. 기업실적시즌이 끝나면 또 다시 경제자료 수치와 이번주 RBA의 이자율 인하결정에 시장의 관심이 쏠릴 것이다.

전체 기사 읽기

74,425 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 22) (지난 30일간: 78) (게재 이후: 9045) 

회사 데이터

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2024/08/29: Removal from Official List - Annual Listing Fees*
  • 2024/08/22: Suspension from Official Quotation - Annual Listing Fees*
  • 2024/08/21: Voluntary Delisting*
  • 2024/07/24: Second Creditors Meeting called by Administrators*
  • 2024/07/10: Long Term Suspended Entities*
  • 2024/05/01: Outcome of Federal Court Proceedings*
  • 2024/05/01: Continuation of Suspension from Quotation*
  • 2024/04/29: Update re Deferral of Financial Reporting and AGM*
  • 2024/04/04: Director Resignation Ineffective*
  • 2024/04/02: Final Director's Interest Notice x 4*
*refer to company website