Takashimaya Company, Limited is a Japan based company primarily engaged in the department store business. The Company operated in five business segments. The Department Store segment operates department store, specialty stores and restaurants in Japan, Unites States, Singapore and Taiwan. The Construction Decoration is engaged in the interior construction business. The Real Estate segment manages company properties and operates shopping centers. The Finance segment is involved in the issue of credit cards and the provision of financial services to group companies. The Others segment conduct business activities including apparel manufacturing and processing, as well as advertising, delivering, leisure-related businesses and mail order sales. The Company has 32 subsidiaries and 14 associated companies.
Takashimaya Company, Limited
TYO:8233 ISIN:JP3456000003
일본 증시를 제외한 아시아 주요 증시들은 월요일 상승세로 마감했다. 도쿄 증시는 SFCG파산 타격으로 장 초반 2.8%가 하락한 뒤 0.5%로 마감했다. 한국 코스피는 3.2%가 상승했으며 중국 상해 증시와 홍콩 항생 지수는 각각 2%, 3.8%가 상승했다. 오늘 아침 니케이평균지수는 미 증시가 1997년 이후 최저치를 기록함에 따라 낙폭이 더 커졌다.
67,141 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 28) (지난 30일간: 90) (게재 이후: 9448)