Chemtura Corporation

NYSE:CEM ISIN:US1638931006

Chemtura Corporation (Chemtura) is a global producer of specialty chemicals and polymer products and supplier of home pool and spa chemicals. The products are used in a variety of markets, including automotive, transportation, construction, packaging, agriculture, lubricants, plastics for durable and non-durable goods, electronics and the home pool and spa chemical markets. The segments of the Company include Polymer Additives, Performance Specialties, Consumer Products, Crop Protection, and Other. On January 31, 2008, the Company completed the sale of its fluorine chemical business located at the Company's El Dorado, Arkansas facility. On February 29, 2008, the Company purchased the remaining 46.5% outstanding shares of Baxenden Chemicals Limited (Baxden). The Company completed the sale of its oleochemicals business on February 29, 2008. On March 12, 2008, the Company purchased the remaining 50% outstanding shares of GLCC Laurel, LLC. 

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2월23일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/23/2009 3:00:17 PM 18988

아시아 증시들은 금요일 미증시와 유럽증시의 약세 압박으로 폭락했다. 일본 니케이평균지수는 투가가들이 최근의 엔화약세에 만족하지 못함에 따라 투자 심리가 위축되면서 1.9% 하락에 그쳤으나 한국 원화(Won)의 약세는 한국 증시에 타격을 주면서 코스피는 3.7% 폭락했다. 상해와 홍콩 증시는 1.5% 상승하였다. 오늘 중국 증시는 소폭의 하락세로 개장한 반면, 홍콩 지수는 1.8% 상승하였다.

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  • Chemicals 
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