IRESS Ltd (ASX:IRE) is a principal supplier of financial markets, wealth management, and mortgage systems in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Asia, Canada, and South Africa.

All product streams support a diverse range of roles and offer front, middle and back-office functionality for clients that range from financial service institutions through to independent operators.

IRESS is a progressive, service-based organisation that employs over 1500 people globally, with local knowledge and industry experience.

IRESS strives for excellence in relationships with clients and industry bodies alike. IRESS is client-driven, responsive and promotes a culture that supports working with customers and the industry to face challenges and keep pace with industry developments.


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2월23일 호주 시장보고서: 미국 및 유럽증시 약세 지속

🕔2/23/2009 1:00:38 PM 16975

호주 증시는 금요일 하향세로 마감했다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 46.5포인트(1.4%)가 하락한 3402.4를 기록했으며 AO 지수는 45포인트(1.3%)가 떨어져 3353을 기록했다. 해외 증시의 부정적 외풍으로 인해 곧 발표될 반기 수입보고서도 시장분위기에 별 다른 변화를 가져오지 못할 것으로 보인다.

전체 기사 읽기

61,907 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 25) (지난 30일간: 101) (게재 이후: 8989) 

회사 데이터

  • Level 18, 385 Bourke Street
    Melbourne, Victoria 3000
  • 전화
  • +61-3-9018-5800 
  • 주요 분야
  • IT & 인터넷 
  • 주요 기업
  • Software 
  • 홈페이지
  • E:

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2025/03/19: Change in substantial holding*
  • 2025/03/18: Becoming a substantial holder*
  • 2025/03/17: Change in substantial holding from CGF*
  • 2025/03/17: Ceasing to be a substantial holder*
  • 2025/03/14: Becoming a substantial holder*
  • 2025/03/13: Update - Dividend/Distribution - IRE*
  • 2025/03/13: Change of Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2025/03/12: Ceasing to be a substantial holder*
  • 2025/03/11: Change in substantial holding from MUFG*
  • 2025/03/10: Change in substantial holding*
*refer to company website

소셜 미디어