AOC Holdings, Inc.

TYO:5017 ISIN:JP3160300004

AOC Holdings, Inc., a Japan-based holding company, is primarily involved in the oil and gas businesses. The Company operates in four business segments. The Khafji-related segment supplies and sells crude oil, as well as provides technical services, business management services and financing services for the operations in the offshore divided zone between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The Oil and Gas Development and Production segment explores, develops, produces and sells crude oil and natural gas. The Oil Refinement and Sale segment refines, stores, purchases and sells oil, as well as imports, exports and transports crude oil, petroleum products and other related products. The Others segment is involved in the manufacture and sale of asphalt mixture for road pavement, the disposal of industrial waste and the provision of technical services in the oil industry. The Company has nine consolidated subsidiaries and three associated companies. 

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2월18일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/18/2009 3:00:01 PM 18091

화요일 아시아 증시는 글로벌 경기침체가 예상보다 장기화될 수 있다는 부정적 시장정서로 급락했다. 도쿄 증시는 1.4%하락했으며 상해 증시는 최근 일부 상승세의 영향이 사라진 채 2.9% 하락했다. 한국 증시는 4.1% 대폭 하락했으며 홍콩 항생지수는 3.7% 하락했다.

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