China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd

China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. is an integrated insurance service provider. The Company offers life and property insurance products and services through its subsidiaries, China Pacific Life Insurance Co., Ltd and China Pacific Property Insurance Co., Ltd., respectively. Through its subsidiary China Pacific Asset Management Co., Ltd, the Company is also involved in the management and operation of insurance assets. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company obtained approximately 68% and 32% of its total premium revenue from its life insurance and property insurance businesses, respectively. As of December 31, 2007, the Company had approximately 36.12 million of individual customers and 2.2 million of corporate customers. 

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2월16일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/16/2009 3:00:40 PM 15931

금요일 아시아 주요증시들은 미증시가 장후반 반등 이 후 상승세로 마감했다. 일본 니케이 225 지수는 0.96% 상승하였고, 한국 코스피지수는 0.5% 상승했다. 상해지수는 3%가 상승하여 2300선대를 넘어섰다. 홍콩 항생지수는 2.47%가 증가했으며 대만의 주요 지수도 2.1% 상승했다.

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