Thoratec Corporation


Thoratec Corporation (Thoratec) is a manufacturer of circulatory support products for use by patients with heart failure (HF). The Company develops, manufactures and markets products that are used by physicians and hospitals for cardiac assist, vascular and diagnostic applications. Thoratec operates in two business segments: Cardiovascular and International Technidyne Corporation (ITC), a wholly owned subsidiary. The Cardiovascular segment develops, manufactures and markets medical devices used for mechanical circulatory support (MCS). ITC designs, develops, manufactures and markets point-of-care diagnostic test systems and incision products. Cardiac assist and vascular graft products represented 61% of Thoratec's product sales during the fiscal year ended December 29, 2007, (fiscal 2007). Point-of-care blood diagnostics test systems and services and incision products amounted to 39% of the Company's total product sales in 2007. 

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2월16일 호주 시장보고서: 단시간내 경기회복 어려울 듯

🕔2/16/2009 1:00:41 PM 17237

호주 증시는 미 정부의 모기지 구제방안 발표 이 후 상승세를 이어 지난 금요일에도 상승세로 장을 마감했다. S&P/ASX200은 44.8포인트 (1.27%)가 상승한 3,559.1를 기록했고 AO지수는 38.2포인트 (1.1%)가 상승한 3,496.7를 기록했다. 오바마 미행정부에서도 경제위기를 단기에 해결할 수 있을 것이라는 기대는 하지 않고 있는 상황에서 곧 기업실적보고서가 발표되면 시장 분위기는 나빠질 것으로 보인다.

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