China Railway Construction Corp Limited

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited is an integrated construction company. It operates in four segments. The construction operations segment engages in the construction of infrastructures, such as railways, highways, bridges, tunnels, metropolitan railways, airports and ports, water conservancy and hydropower facilities, real estate and municipal projects. The survey, design and consultancy operations segment engages in the provision of survey, design and consultancy services, as well as technology and equipment research and development services, for the construction of railways, highways, metropolitan railways, bridges, tunnels, municipal and power projects, airports and ports. The manufacturing operations segment engages in the design, research and development, production and sale of maintenance machinery, as well as the manufacturing of components for railway construction. The other business operations segment comprises real estate development and logistics businesses. 

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2월12일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/12/2009 2:10:12 PM 13259

어제 아시아 증시는 미국 은행 지원 수정안에 대한 미 증시의 대규모 매도로 인해 하락세를 보이며 장을 마감했다. 일본 증시는 공휴일로 휴장했다. 홍콩의 항생지수는 2.5%가 하락했으며 한국의 코스피지수는 0.7% 상승했다.

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