Seiko Holdings Corporation

TYO:8050 ISIN:JP3414700009

Seiko Holdings Corporation, formerly SEIKO CORPORATION, is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of watches, precision products, eyeglasses and clocks. The Company operates in five business segments. The Watch segment is engaged in the sale of watches in both local and overseas markets. The Precision segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of camera modules, camera shutters and information network systems. The Eyeglasses segment is engaged in the sale of optical lenses. The Clock segment is involved in the development, manufacture, sale and repair of clocks, as well as the provision of post-sales services. The Others segment is engaged in the wholesale of golf clubs, the retail of haute couture and sundry articles, the sale of equipment clocks and sports timers, as well as the provision of repair and post-sales services for watches. The Company has a number of subsidiaries and associated companies in Japan and overseas countries.  

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2월10일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/10/2009 3:00:16 PM 16677

미 경기부양책의 향배를 관망하면서 오늘 아시아증시는 보합세를 보일 것으로 기대된다. 중국의 경기부양책이 지난 주 발표된 후 상해와 홍콩 증시가 상승세를 유지하였고, 대부분의 아시아 증시는 혼조세로 마감했으나, 도쿄 및 서울 증시는 하향세를 기록했다.

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