Reckon Limited provides products and services across two operational divisions, Professional division (principally APS, Desktop Super and allied products) and a Business division (principally QuickBooks, Quicken, Elite, Shelco and allied products). In the Business division, under the QuickBooks and Quicken brands, the Company develops, localises, distributes and provides after sales technical support for the accounting software needs of small to medium sized businesses and in the personal finance and wealth management sector. The APS business develops, distributes and supports a suite of practice management, tax and client accounting software for professional accounting. In December 2008, Espreon Limited sold its Corporate Services and Billback Systems businesses to Reckon Limited.
Reckon Limited
어제 호주 증시는 은행주와 자원주의 선전으로 상승세로 마감했다. S&P/ASX200지수는 38.7포인트(1.12%)가 상승한 3508.6를 기록했으며, AO지수는 38.3포인트 (1.12%)가 상승하여 3445.8를 기록했다. 시장은 투자자들이 미 경기부양책 추진내용을 주시하는 가운데 차분한 분위기를 이어갈 것으로 예상된다.
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