Garmin Ltd.


Garmin Limited (Garmin) is a global provider of navigation, communications and information devices, which are enabled by global positioning system (GPS) technology. Garmin designs, develops, manufactures and markets a family of hand-held, portable and fixed-mount GPS-enabled products and other navigation, communications and information products for the automotive/mobile, outdoor/fitness, marine and general aviation markets. The segments of the Company are Marine, Automotive/Mobile, Outdoor/Fitness, and Aviation. In August 2008, Garmin announced that it has completed the acquisition of SatSignal- Equipamentos de Comunicacoes e de Navegacao, S.A., the distributor of Garmin’s consumer products in Portugal. The Company will be renamed Garmin Portugal- Equipamentos de Comunicacao e Navegacao, S. A. and will continue its operations. In December 2008, Garmin completed the acquisition of Sportmanship International AB, the distributor of Garmin’s consumer products in Sweden. 

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2월5일 아시아 시장동향

🕔2/5/2009 3:00:28 PM 14689

동경, 상해, 홍콩을 비롯한 아시아 주요 증시들은 미국증시가 긍정적인 경제 지표로 상승하였고, 미정부의 경기 부양책 진척에 힘입어 상승세로 마감했다. 동경 지수는 미국 기업들의 부진한 실적으로 투자심리가 위축됨에 따라 목요일 하락세로 출발했다.

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