Maruti Suzuki India Ltd

BOM:532500 ISIN:INE585B01010

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., formerly Maruti Udyog Limited, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, is a passenger car company, accounting for over 50% of the domestic car market. The Company has sold over seven million vehicles units n export markets. It has sold 764,842 vehicles during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, including 53,024 units of exports. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. offers 11 models from Maruti 800, Alto, Swift, Wagon R, Estillo and sedans DZire, SX4 and sports utility grand vehicleVitara. It has produced over 500,000 units to Europe and other countries. The Company has two manufacturing facilities in India. The first one is at Gurgaon spread over 300 acres and the other at Manesar, spread over 600 acres in North India. Its facility in Guragoan houses three fully integrated plants. The plant at Manesar is the Company's fourth car assembly plant and started with an initial capacity of 100,000 cars per year.  

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1월30일 아시아 시장동향

🕔1/30/2009 3:00:06 PM 17089

아시아 증시는 목요일 미국 신행정부의 배드뱅크 설립에 대한 기대감으로 상승했었으나 금요일에는 대부분 하향세로 출발했다. 홍콩 항생지수는 음력설 연휴가 끝난 첫 개장일에 4.6%가 증가했다. 225개 기업의 니케이 평균주가지수는 1.8%가 오른 8251.24를 기록했다. 중국, 대만, 베트남 시장은 음력설연휴로 휴장했다.

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