Coopers Brewery Limited

Coopers sells barrels and barrels of suds to thirsty Australians. The company, which touts itself as the third largest brewer in Australia, offers a range of popular ales, lagers, and stouts, including Coopers Premium Lager, Coopers DB, Best Extra Stout, Heritage Premium Ale, and its flagship Sparkling Ale. The company also operates two Coopers General Stores, which sell a range of goods including Coopers-themed clothing and the company's own brand of home brewing equipment. Chairman Glenn Cooper and managing director Tim Cooper represent the fifth generation of their family to run the brewery, which was established by Thomas Cooper in South Australia in 1862. 

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1월27일 호주 시장보고서: 미 주택경기 수치발표 이후 안정화 기대

🕔1/27/2009 1:00:45 PM 14154

금요일 호주 증시는 5년 최저치에 가까운 수치로 하락하면서 마감했다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 144.1포인트 (4.13%)가 하락하여 3,342.7를 기록하였으며 AO 지수는 131.6포인트 (3.83%)가 낮아진 3,300.3를 기록했다. 호주 증시는 오늘 미국 및 유럽 증시의 훈풍으로 안정화될 것으로 기대된다.

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